
Best Questions to Ask Foreign Women While Dating

A photo of a beautiful Asian woman posing behind some flowers Get to know foreign women the right way.

When it comes to dating foreign women, the end goal is to presumably find love and eventually build a happy life. But in order to build a life with someone, it is generally ideal to get to know them first, and no amount of online dating articles can help you achieve this — it’s going to take a first hand experience.

Getting to know someone isn’t exactly easy. Sure, going online and looking through a person’s profile can give you some idea about who they are as a person, but knowing how to find a girlfriend is a different story. If your goal is to be in a healthy relationship, you're going to have to put in the effort.

There are so many ways to get to know someone you're interested in. You can simply go online and do your research. No need to fret as this is not uncommon in terms of internet dating, and it is even somewhat expected in an age where people post links to their social media profiles and on various online dating sites.

Other than looking through someone's online profile, you can also get to know them in person. Going out on a date provides ample opportunity to do more than just small talk. You can engage in a deep and meaningful conversation, and there are more than a few conversation starters that you can use.

While asking questions is always great to start with, it’s important to use them sparingly. Asking too many questions can make a woman feel like you’re interrogating her and being too nosey. Also, if the date is nothing but questions, it can feel less like a date and more like a job interview.

It is also important to ask the right questions. Asking generic ones may not lead to the kind of answers that can help you with your goal. When dating someone, especially if it's a foreign woman, be sure to have the right questions in hand.

  1. Where are you from?
  2. See to it that you generally have an idea where the foreign lady you’re dating is from. At the very least, you should know where her home country is. This can be seen on her dating profile — that is if you choose to meet her online.

    Once you know what country she's from, follow your questions up by asking more about her hometown. Determine if she's from a provincial area, the city, or somewhere in between. Keep in mind that cities, provinces, and towns have their own distinct brand of the local culture.

    Certain places may have their own cultures that are completely divorced from that of the main cities. Sure, the country as a whole may have an identifiable cultural identity, but specific regions can also have their own specific subcultures.

    It helps to know where a person is from because the place they practically grew up in is going to have some sort of influence on them one way or another. If not, it would still matter anyway. Don't forget, you're dating foreign women, and one way of being accustomed to their culture is getting to know more about where they're from.

  3. What do you do for a living?
  4. Some people are lucky to be born into wealth, while others have to work to pay the bills.

    Asking about someone's job can give you an idea about what commitment means to them. People tend to decide early on what they want to be and spend most of their lives working towards achieving their goals, yet some people are fortunate enough to be legitimately passionate about what they do just to get by.

    Most of the women you'll meet are not going to be coy about their livelihood, and they are going to be honest about it even to men who are supposedly trying to win them over.

    Meeting new people doesn't always mean that you have to learn about their life story, but if you want to know all there is to know about them, you're going to have to spend time asking about the basics.

  5. What do you do for fun?
  6. Online dating can be tricky in the sense that a person can put up a false narrative about themselves in order to be appealing to as many potential partners as possible. Then again, going out on a date means having to meet face to face, giving you the opportunity to know which is fact and which is fiction.

    You can always tell a lot about a person by asking them about what they enjoy doing. If they are into hiking, it can indicate that they’re athletic, that they like nature, or both.

    Knowing what a person does for fun may not give you the most solid idea of who they are, but you can infer some parts of their personality from their answers.

  7. What are you looking for in a partner?
  8. This is the kind of question that's best asked after you’ve been on a few dates with the woman you're interested in. It’s understandable that you’d want to know her intentions before you fully commit yourself in trying to win her over, especially if you’re a bit on the older side, and you wouldn’t want to waste your time on someone whose intentions don't align with yours. Then again, it's important to be aware of the right timing as well.

    If you want to define the relationship you’re in and figure out what you two mean to each other, it wouldn't hurt to ask this question. What's great is that this will also clue you in on what you can do to be the kind of partner she would want to be with.

    Avoid having this as one of your first date questions so you don’t scare your lady away. The answer to this may reveal a lot about her intentions, which is why it's best to know when the right time is to ask her this.

    Dating foreign women can result in great happiness, but it's extremely important to get to know them first. To do that, you need to ask the right questions. Let this be your guide so that you'll have a better understanding of the art of asking questions and why it matters when you're finding love.


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