
Craigslist vs. A New Bride – Personals

With the rise of the technological advancement since early 2000’s, connecting to other individuals living across the globe is made easier. Communication between people in different foreign countries has been upgraded. hence making online dating a convenient form of finding a lifetime partner.

Over the course of years, matchmaking services, together with some of the best marriage agencies, have been exploring the virtual world. These kinds of dating services have risen to a greater demand and have even become the main reason why we can see thousands of sites or matchmaking companies lurking in the internet today.

In major continents like Asia, Europe and the Americas, some of the many sites that are seen in operation today are Craigslist and A New Bride. Although they share the same goal of matching individuals and offer the best marriage services, there are still big differences that users or personals should consider and take into account.

Craigslist Personals


Craigslist is an American classified advertisement company catering sections such as sales, gigs, housing jobs, and services. One of the sections in Craigslist is the personals section which is where the dating and meeting of men and women come in.

Hundreds of men and women have tried the dating services of Craigslist. Positive reviews might have been given about its effectiveness, but nobody can hide its negative feedback; many have risked their personal information or safety to irresponsible users.

Lack of Company Name

In Craigslist, there is no specific company name given to those who post about dating. No host company can be seen since only the individuals themselves post in the said medium. As a result, scams have become the aftermath of this action. No one is accountable if concerns might arise while using Craigslist. Your personal information and profile are at risk here, thus, be sure to be responsible enough while engaging with Craigslist.

Authenticity of the Personals and Profiles

Authenticity is one of the major problems in this site. Why? You can never guarantee that the personals or profiles you see in the site are real or existent. There is no way you can verify the users’ true identity because it is very easy to use other’s name or pictures. This is best observed with personals faking names and filling out unreal information.

Security in Meetups

Your safety in meeting up with someone you’re communicating with from Craigslist is never guaranteed. Cases like kidnapping, scamming, and even murders have been recorded for those who have decided to meet strangers coming from Craigslist dating. Always consider your safety before planning to meet with a guy or a woman. Be keen enough while dating someone from Craigslist.

Matchmaking Agency

A New Bride

A New Bride is part of one of the most respected foreign singles introduction and tour services in the world. The company was founded in 1995 and it is considered among the very first international online marriage agency companies.

The site is organized to be one of the leading matchmaking sites the world has to present. It focuses on matching gorgeous, single foreign women who are aiming to have a relationship with faithful men.

Aside from its services, hands-on staff are also present to operate for the site. We are a bridge in bringing union for foreign relations and love toward foreign men and women.

Presence of Company Name

A New Bride is a specific company name which maintains great heights for marriage and matchmaking services. This guarantees trust and security to its clients. Moreover, this gives clients a wide array of choices when it comes to beautiful and marriage-minded women.

If you hover through the site’s interface, you can read important details to support its authenticity. We are also proud to say that the number of clients from its establishment until today has emerged with flying colors; the number of these clients has increased dramatically, hence making it a legitimate company.

Authenticity of Personals and Profiles

Authenticity is what we are also proud of here in A New Bride. The profiles of foreign women listed in our site are all verified by our local staff, showing you how serious these women are to be your lovely bride for marriage. The pictures posted together with their names are all real and legit, even the exact women you can see in person if you decided to meet through our singles’ tours.

Security in Meetups

For meetup purposes, the company offers singles tours to Asia, Latin America and Europe. This is to meet foreign women in person. Tour packages can be found in the site upon your registration. There will be elegant accommodations and social events as to where the tour will take place.

Although it comes with a price, security is again guaranteed in our social tours. Everything is well-organized, from your arrival down to touring the city as part of the event. Clients will no longer think twice about meeting up considering that everything is securely managed and assurance is present with regards to the women whom the clients will meet up with.

A New Bride is a marriage agency site which the definite goal of helping men meet the woman of their dreams, whether that woman will be coming from Asia, Latin America or Europe. Hundreds of testimonies were already given regarding the effectiveness of our singles’ tours. Marriages were seen after the event, making our site the leading one for matching individuals for a lifetime of love and happiness.


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