
Handling Conflict with Your Future Foreign Bride

A man and woman holding hands with their wedding/engagement rings on Learn how to effectively manage conflict in your relationship with a foreign bride.

“Why do you keep bringing this up over and over?”
“Don’t you get sick of it at all?”
“Can you please give me a break? I’m exhausted!”
“This is something you should not worry about.”
“Let’s talk about it first thing tomorrow morning.”

You probably heard someone else’s voice when you read those lines. Perhaps there is total familiarity in the lines that most people in a relationship tend to say when dealing with conflict. In truth, there are a lot of things that contribute to conflict, but there are also many ways to come up with a conflict resolution.

Surely you would not want to hear nor say any of the aforementioned lines to your foreign bride, would you?

In reality, all relationships face different kinds of conflicts. No relationship would be able to endure if conflicts never existed; nor a relationship can be called such without conflict as well. Online dating can be complicated even in the simplest of things, which is why fights - big or small - are always expected to arise.

Being in a relationship with foreign women can be way more sophisticated than you can imagine. Essentially, women from different cultures and races also exhibit different personalities, wants, and qualities. For some who have been in previous relationships before, you’ll find that no two people handle conflict the same way. You’ll also learn that you have to manifest a variety of ways to manage fights with different women.

For a better understanding, even if you can avoid conflict, the fact remains that conflict strengthens the relationship and can bring you and your foreign bride closer than before.

You may agonize about it, but fights are always there to test what both of you are willing to put at stake to make things work. As such, below are some of the most effective ways to resolve conflict together as a couple:

  1. Learn to disagree.

    You may think that disagreeing leads to fighting. You might be right, but one thing you must remember is that you don’t always have to agree on everything.

    You can focus on behavior and compromise on the things that don’t work for the both of you. Meet each other halfway by learning to agree with what she disagrees with. Ironic, isn’t it? But it sure does work out.

  2. Don’t set aside things.

    There should be no such thing as ‘I'll tell her next time’ or ‘I'll tell her when she finds out’. One trivial mistake made by people is setting aside problems that can be discussed and resolved right away.

    Avoid stockpiling your conflicts for this may lead to a heated argument the moment you want to talk about it. Problem solving does not require a schedule, nor does it require a number. So if there’s something you want to say, say it right away.

  3. Listen through your heart.

    As a partner, you should listen to her by heart and not just with your ears. See to it that you listen to what she says and hear out what she wants to say. Active listening is a must, so practice it as best as you can.

    It is vital in a relationship to be able to hear and fully understand one another. Words may not be enough to express everything and how you feel, but try it anyway.

  4. Deliberate, not demand.

    Team up and gather solutions to resolve your conflict. Instead of asking and demanding from your partner to change things, talk to her about the possible steps that you can take. Although there are numerous types of conflict in relationships, teaming up together is one sure way to deal with everything.

    Make sure that the solutions you come up with are doable for both of you. Don’t give promises or words of comfort just for a temporary reconciliation.

  5. Take a break.

    This doesn't mean that you should break up temporarily. Taking a break from each other would mean giving each other space. It may be for a few hours or days, or depending on how you like it, as long as you agree that you are still together.

    Commitment is upheld despite the situation you're in. Spend time together after being on a break in order to relive your happy relationship and to make sure that you both are now settled.

  6. Mean what you say.

    As in rage as you may be when in a fight with her, never say things that you might regret later on. Always take note that the one who says forgets, but the one who listens doesn’t.

    Don’t hurt her feelings by saying ugly and harsh words. When resolving conflict, don’t add fuel to the fire. If you know that you are angry, then try to keep still. As much as possible, be civilized and don’t act boldly.

  7. Don’t bring in other people.

    Some people tend to be tactless when in a fight. In effect, they bring up names of people that shouldn’t be included in the discussion. Don't put the blame on those who have nothing to do with your relationship, nor involve another person’s actions with your conflict.

    Avoid relationship conflict by making yourselves the sole contributor to the things that you're facing. No one else is responsible but you.

  8. Don’t bring up the past.

    This is usually one of the hardest things to do when in a relationship. Bringing up things that have happened long before is not a healthy step when handling conflict as it may make things worse.

    This does not only hurt you, it hurts your partner’s feelings as well. Enough with dwelling on the past. Prepare for the future by facing the present.

Make It Last with Your Foreign Bride

Fights, arguments, misunderstandings, and small disagreements -- there are certainly multiple things that you're going to face together with your partner. It can make you stronger and more certain of what you feel, or it can lead to the end of your relationship. Let's not hope for the latter. Instead, love your partner all the way and persevere so you don’t lose her.

You know her the best. Put your heart into whatever you do, especially in your relationship, and you’ll clearly see that it is always worth fighting for the person you treasure the most.

You may have signed up with several dating sites to find yourself a foreign bride, but if she is certainly the woman for you, there is no doubt that you’ll give her every drop of love that you have for her. Don’t drag things any longer. Resolve everything and make up with her sooner rather than later.


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