
How to Date a Foreign Woman | 5 Dating Tips for Expats

A man who dates a foreign woman by the beach Learn from these 5 helpful tips on how to date a foreign woman if you're an expat.

The thrill of packing up to move to a different country is a sensation unlike any other. Regardless of your motivation, whether it’s for academic purposes, job-related, or to simply get away from the ghosts of your past. Moving to a foreign land gives you a hodgepodge of feelings and emotions. Feelings that are both scary and exciting at the same time.

After you’ve settled in, however, the novelty of it all will naturally, and gradually, die down. Before you even know it, what was once an unfamiliar foreign land is now starting to feel like home.

What comes next, though, is an all too well-understood feeling for all expats - a feeling of loneliness. Even if you’ve made friends among the locals, it still wouldn’t make up for the solitude that’ll eventually catch up on all of us.

All those thrilling memories and exotic new experiences will essentially be for nothing if you don’t have a loved one to share it all with you. Think about it this way: If you are bold enough to leave your home country to start a new life, maybe it’s also time for you to find the girl you’ll be spending the rest of that life with?

If you are ready for the next step in your adventure, then follow these 5 effective tips on how to date a foreign woman:

  1. Don’t rush

    It has always been a good rule of thumb for everything: if you don’t want things to be gone as quickly as they came, don’t rush. Although being patient is always easier said than done, giving in to your impulses may actually slow your search down, rather than make it faster.

    As the old adage goes: nothing worth having ever comes easy. So remain patient but hopeful. Just let time take its course and the perfect foreign girl for marriage will surely find you.

  2. Be a gentleman

    This tip should be a no-brainer, but we’ll just throw this in the mix for good measure. Foreign women tend to be more feminine and traditional compared to women in the West.

    A surefire way to win a foreign woman’s heart is through chivalry and gentlemanly gestures. Small gestures like opening the door and carrying her bag for her will certainly go a long way to winning her heart.

  3. Make use of online dating sites

    Why don’t you save yourself the hassle of trying your luck out in pubs, bars, and cafes in search of a girl to date? Why leave your future romantic memories completely to luck? Signing up to an international online dating site like ours will automatically match your profile to other people looking for a serious relationship with someone like you. You will already know she is very likely to be someone with whom you are likely to be compatible.

    These are potential foreign brides who are also looking for the same thing you’re searching for; romance, maturity, a serious long term love. Indeed, online dating sites are a safe, quick, and easy way of finding a foreign girlfriend whom you wouldn’t likely meet using conventional dating methods.

  4. Don’t force the issue

    For some expats, when they feel like loneliness, or frustration to find that special someone, is already catching up on them. They suddenly feel the urge to just jump the gun, go for broke, and leave it all to chance. As a result, they make rash and ill-considered decisions, wasting time and money on the wrong types of people - 9 times out of 10, they end up regretting their impulsive actions and feel let down by love.

    Remember that patience will always pay off in the end. So don’t jump into short term relationships solely because you feel like you’re running out of time. You’re exactly where you need to be, and the right kind of love will find you in due course.

  5. Don’t play around

    Unlike in the U.S., where hookup culture has become pervasive over the years, most foreign countries still have a traditional, more conservative dating culture. One-night stands and casual sex are almost unheard of in a lot of foreign countries, especially in Asia and Latin America. In these countries, a fly by night attitude to dating is even considered inappropriate and immoral. So being a gentleman to your lady isn’t just showing her your class, it is also being a good role model for your values abroad.

    If you really want to increase your odds of settling down with a foreign bride, here’s a solid piece of advice: don’t disrespect her, or her culture by playing around with all the girls!

Dating a foreign girl may come with certain new responsibilities and may need a little getting used to, but in general, it’s like dating any other kind of women. All it really takes to win - and keep - their hearts is sincerity, respect, and genuine affection. Once you’ve got those three great attributes going for you, there’s no reason for you not to make that leap of faith and discover that true love waiting for you on distant shores.


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