
The Nice Parts of Being in a Long-Distance Relationship

A lot of people feel hesitant to pursue long-distance relationships because of the negative things associated with them. Difficult, draining, hard work, not worth it — the list practically goes on.

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Where to Experience the Most Romantic Valentine's Day in Russia

Romantic isn’t exactly the first word that comes to mind when talking about Russia. But contrary to popular belief, Russia is a very romantic country. The beautiful architecture and well-made sculptures can make almost anyone feel like falling in love. The country is like a blast from the past in this modern-day world.

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New Things To Do with Foreign Women This Valentine’s

It’s the time of year again, the day single people dread the most. Jokes aside, we all want to make Valentine’s Day extra special for our families and significant others. Often, we go the extra mile: red ribbons all over the place, flowers and petals on the floor, and heart-shaped balloons covering the whole ceiling.

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Celebrating a Meaningful Christmas with Foreign Women

If you’re humming to Mud’s Lonely This Christmas while you’re away from home, it could be because you miss how your culture spends the holidays.

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Avoiding Stereotypes While Dating Foreign Women

Due to the numerous chances that improved technology provides, dating foreign women is not uncommon anymore. The growth of dating apps and sites provides users with a plethora of options and allows them to form cross-cultural friendships.

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Helping Foreign Women Adjust to Life in Your Country

Many men who marry foreign women face certain challenges that prevent them from being able to settle into a happily ever after. Before getting married, they face cultural differences, language barriers, distance, and immigration paperwork.

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How To Balance Out An International Marriage

An international marriage is a lot like a seesaw. You probably haven't been to a playground in a while. At least it's been a while since you went to play at one. However, if you happen to find yourself at one of them, give the seesaw a good look.

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Give and Take in an Interracial Relationship

An interracial relationship can be complex and complicated. They can be even more complicated when the people in that relationship come from two different countries. They may not be the most balanced of pairings. But not all relationships are balanced.

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Etiquettes for Dating Abroad

The majority of us have had at least ONE disastrous first date.

Hearing stories of first date fails is an absolute riot. As bad as they may be, you just can’t help but laugh at the hilarity of the situation. (At the very least, they’re amusing as heck)

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Signs Foreign Women Are Considering Marriage

When Monica, in her uncontainable excitement, reacts to the discussion about her and Chandler’s wedding, we know it hits close to home for the majority of women.

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Flowers Your Asian Girlfriend Loves and Why : Flower Language

Asia is the continent that comes to mind when it comes to rich history and culture. Almost all Asian countries have and do have meaning. Flowers, for example, have their own language, with each form bearing different meanings and symbolisms from the others. If you're looking for some to send to your Asian girlfriend, you should first learn about them.

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The Common Struggles of International Dating

International dating might have crossed your mind a dozen times, probably when you were sitting alone on a bench, staring at interracial couples taking a walk in the park, or while attending a wedding of a friend who married an Asian woman, or while reading all kinds of overseas dating success stories. Seeing that these people are happily involved in interracial relationships makes you think of the possibilities.

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Gifts to Give Foreign Women on Your First Date

International dating is not as simple and easy as it sounds. Even before you start a relationship with foreign women, you need to do some digging to learn more about them, especially if you choose to meet one on an international dating app. You need to know about their culture and traditions, hobbies, preferences, including what they want to receive on a first date.

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Tips For Couples Taking Their First Trip Together

Are you a traveler who feeds on travel tips? Do you prefer to do research prior to visiting a foreign country? Almost everyone loves traveling around the world. Ask a random person as to what place he would like to visit if given the chance, and you might hear them start saying hundreds of wonderful cities and countries.

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Handling Conflict with Your Future Foreign Bride

You probably heard someone else’s voice when you read those lines. Perhaps there is total familiarity in the lines that most people in a relationship tend to say when dealing with conflict. In truth, there are a lot of things that contribute to conflict, but there are also many ways to come up with a conflict resolution.

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Best Questions to Ask Foreign Women While Dating

Dating foreign women can be fun and easy when you ask the right questions. Here are some ideal conversation starters that will help you get to know them more.

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Signs Foreign Women are Interested in You

A lot of men find themselves wanting to date foreign women and some are lucky to actually do so. But the thing about dating is that there should generally be some mutual interest and some men may not be all that aware if their date is interested in them in a physical sense. You may be one of these men.

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Getting to Know Foreign Women Quickly | Dating Overseas

Dating foreign women may sound intimidating, but the reality is that it’s no different when you’re going out with women from your own locality. Sure, you’d have to acquaint yourself with their culture for you to be able to date them in the first place, but much like with how dating is in western society, dating in foreign countries revolves around courtship and doing your best to make a relationship work.

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Conversations Every Man Must Have When Dating Foreign Women

Conversations are considered the lifeline in every relationship. It is what keeps you interested in learning more about your partner’s preferences and passions in life, and vice versa. When dating foreign women, however, conversations are even more important. Without it, you will eventually drift away from wanting to know more about the woman you supposedly want to be with.

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Online Dating Habits Foreign Women HATE

Online dating has revolutionized the way we find a potential partner. It allows us to meet people from all over the world, and is now widely accepted as a form of modern dating. But just like any form of social activity, online dating has its own set of unwritten rules.

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Avoid Long Distance Relationship Issues BEFORE They Exist

Long distance relationships are bound to be filled with challenges for both parties involved. Despite this, the number of foreign men and women who turn to international dating to find an ideal partner has significantly risen during the last couple of years.

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Maintaining a Long Distance Relationship

In the old days, a long distance relationship was almost invariably doomed to fail. Absence can make the heart grow fonder, but it can also often cause it to wander. Not being around the person you love regularly can cause you both to grow apart and disengage from the relationship itself.

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How Time Alone Helps Build a Happy Marriage

Some people have come up with the notion that a happy marriage is one in which a couple should spend every waking moment together, that they should go out on dates constantly and never be apart from one another.

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Your Road to Happiness with a Foreign Wife

If you want to have a good love life, you must first understand what you want out of a relationship. When a man understands what they're looking for, it will be easy to find the right woman to date. This time will be best spent doing things you both enjoy.

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How Traveling Strengthens Relationships with Foreign Women

Many men and women have turned to online dating as a means to find establish a fruitful love life. It has become pretty convenient with numerous dating sites helping men meet foreign women who also want a serious relationship.

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Tips on How to Attain a Decent Love Life

There are a considerable number of men out there who are hoping to achieve a decent love life with a significant other. Some may have had a chance at a fulfilling romantic relationship but had no idea how to sustain it.

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Singles Vacation | Essentials to Prepare For When Meeting Foreign Ladies

Being unlucky in love is something that has plagued many men. So if you’re one of those who seem to always get the short end of the stick in your quest for love, you may want to shake things up a little and try other unconventional solutions.

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Cast a Wide Net | Why Talk to a lot of Women when Dating Online

Dating online can either be a bane or a boon. It can help you find love and happiness or bring you heartache and misery after you’ve developed an emotional attachment to a girl who may not feel the same way about you or may not be in a position to date.

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Online Dating | How to Introduce Your Bride to Your Family & Friends

Rarely will you ever meet someone who exists in a bubble. Whether through genetics, work, school, or simple proximity, people are generally going to have a circle of friends. Sometimes that circle consists of one or two people, but it’s a social circle all the same.

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Destination Wedding | 4 Reasons to Travel Abroad for Your Wedding

Naturally, the desired endgame for those who are dating online would have to be seeing each other in person and ultimately tying the knot. At least, that’s what’s expected from online relationships. Of course, the important part is the marriage that comes after, but the wedding ceremony itself holds a special place in the hearts of many people.

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Interracial Dating | How to Overcome Common Relationship Struggles

A love that has transcended geographical boundaries and broken through cultural barriers would be quite a story to tell. Fortunately, interracial dating is no longer impossible because of numerous online dating platforms.

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Foreign Ladies | Why You Should Meet Them through a Singles Vacation

In need of romance yet finding it difficult to seek someone to share it with? Don’t worry because you’re not the only one experiencing the same kind of frustration. Men around the world have had their fair share of the same hassle.

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Maintaining a Happy Marriage | How to Resolve Relationship Problems

When falling in love, we tend to get that butterfly feeling in our stomach. It’s as if being in love is such a sweet haven, and there’s no doubt that it is. Everything seems surreal. However, what follows this blissful feeling is a reality that portrays how a married life is far from a “happily ever after” story, and sometimes not even close to it.

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4 Reasons Why It's Beneficial to Travel Abroad As a Couple

Traveling is always a great way to unwind. No matter how much social media and the internet make our world seem smaller, traveling will make you realize just how big the world is and how much beauty you are yet to explore and discover.

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Online Dating Advice | 5 Tips for Older Bachelors Who Hasn't Dated Online Yet

Technological advancements, as expected, have had a huge impact on almost every aspect of our lives. The prevalence of smartphones, tablets, and other communication devices drastically changed the way we communicate and connect with friends, family and other members of society - whether these changes are for better or worse is entirely up to you to decide.

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Online Dating Red Flags | Things to Watch Out For When Dating Online

The technological advancement has brought us to a new era of dating. Today, dating cannot only be done through personal face-to-face encounter but also through virtual and online dating platforms.

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Dating Advice | What Most Single Women Look for in a Man

Dating is an endeavor some will find more difficult than others. So many men from all over the world are looking for women for marriage, and some of them succeed, some do not.

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Asian Dating Tips | Important Things to Remember When Dating Asian Women

It is no secret that Asia is not just home to diverse and vibrant cultures, but also home to some of the world’s most picturesque landscapes and favorite tourist destinations.

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International Dating | Where Can You Find the Most Beautiful Asian Women?

Asia is a breathtaking continent. Compared to the nations in the west, Asian countries are generally more heavily cultural and traditional amidst the modernization of today’s era. Due to that, the people of Asia are more conservative and family-oriented, and the places are more preserved and spiritual.

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Honeymoon Destinations | Where To Spend Your Honeymoon Getaway

The feeling of finally tying the knot with the love of your life is ecstatic and euphoric, to say the least. It is a feeling like no other.

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International Dating | 5 reasons Why Going Online is the Way to Go

In today's generation where modern technologies are on the rise, meeting your potential match online is quite common and even popular. When you opt for that kind of dating platform, you'll be able to search for your ideal partner across your own boundaries.

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International Dating | Why Date a Foreign Woman?

Gone are the days when most people’s dating possibilities were only confined to their locale. Thanks to the popularity of international dating sites and apps, the lifelong dream of many Western men of finding a foreign girlfriend has never been as convenient and within reach than ever before.

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Overseas Romance | Where to Look for the Best Foreign Brides

The world is vast but our time is short. That is such a suitable mantra when looking for a foreign girl for marriage. Scouring every corner of the globe just to find the one is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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How to Date a Foreign Woman | An Expat’s Guide To Finding Love Abroad

The thrill of packing up to move to a different country is a sensation unlike any other. Regardless of your motivation, whether it’s for academic purposes, job-related, or to simply get away from the ghosts of your past.

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International Dating | The Advantages of Dating Foreign Women

Most foreign men today will go on searching for love abroad after a divorce. Often times their search takes them to distant shores. Men who want to date a foreign woman see this opportunity as a chance to discover love and happiness that you won’t likely attain on home soil.

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Best Island Honeymoon Destinations for Foreign Brides

After a couple has officially tied the knot, the next thing they look forward to is celebrating the start of their marriage on a honeymoon vacation. Many couples will travel abroad for their ultimate postnuptial getaway.

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5 Unique Wedding Traditions Around the World

Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between countries, cultures, ethnicities, religious beliefs and social classes. While everyone adheres to their own ways, sometimes it’s difficult to avoid comparing one from the other.

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6 Ideal Songs for Foreign Women to Walk-Down-the-Aisle to

Weddings are, without a doubt, one of the most laborious events to prepare for. It is a celebration of a lifetime that requires keen attention to detail. One of the most important aspects of a wedding ceremony is choosing the right entrance song for your new bride to walk-down-the-aisle to.

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5 Qualities of Foreign Women that Make Them Sought-After Brides

Along with the emergence of social networking sites in the virtual world, various matchmaking services came into the international dating scene and made a significant impact in the singles industry as well. Thousands of these websites share a common goal and that is to help individuals find their true love.

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Newest, beautiful, single women now added for week of Wednesday, 4 September, 2024 - Tuesday, 10 September, 2024
You have to meet the women to marry them! What other international dating site offers you numerous opportunities to do that?